Terms and Conditions:
Jonesboro Auto Auction LLC is merely performing an auction service, and is responsible only for their warranties, and guarantees set forth herein. We DO NOT guarantee any taxes, federal, state, county, municipal or ad valorem. Seller and Purchaser agree to abide by all auction policies and policy decisions of management. The SELLER covenants with the PURCHASER that he is the true and lawful owner of the described vehicle; that the same is free from all liens and encumbrances: that he has good right and full power to sell and transfer title to the same; and that he will warrant and defend that same against the lawful claims and demands of all persons whomsoever. If seller is a corporation, by the execution of this agreement, the officers of said corporation do hereby individually and personally guarantee performance of the corporation’s warranties. The PURCHASER agrees to purchase this vehicle as shown on the opposite side of this BUYER’s Settlement Statement for the TOTAL Purchase Price shown, and in doing so, acknowledges that they have verified all information available at the time of sale that is associated with the vehicle before settling for this vehicle. Information including but not limited to the serial number and/or engine numbers of the vehicle with those of the title, if available, to check the actual condition of the vehicle with its description and with the representation, if any, when offered for sale at this auction; that upon making settlement in cash or by check in lieu of cash to consider the transaction fully consummated, that no stop payment of his check to this AUCTION shall be honored; an any stop payment order of a check or giving of a check which is returned marked “Insufficient Funds” shall be deemed by the parties to be prima facie evidence of fraud existing at the time the transaction was consummated and shall be construed by the parties as an intent to defraud in order to consummate the transaction. Seller agrees that any amount owing to Auction may be deducted from the proceeds of this sale. Seller and Purchaser each agree that should any vehicle be left on auction premises over 48 hours from the date of sale will incur a storage fee of $15.00 per day. Jonesboro Auto Auction LLC makes no warranties as to any car sold on these premises. All cars sold $2,000.00 or less at PUBLIC AUCTION or $2,500 or less at DEALER AUCTION, and all diesels sold "AS IS": do not include the right to ride and drive the vehicle before payment. No turn down unless there is a $200.00 mechanical problem on motor, transmission or rear end.
Seller and Purchaser each agree that should any vehicle be left on auction premises for a period more than thirty days (30) Jonesboro Auto Auction LLC will be sold for storage and abandonment. Jonesboro Auto Auction LLC assumes No Responsibility, Nor Guarantees the accuracy of the odometer reading of the vehicle nor the information contained in the odometer mileage statement which Seller as transferrer is required to complete and sign Purchaser as Transferee is required to acknowledge. Seller and Purchaser agree to indemnify and hold Jonesboro Auto Auction LLC harmless from any liability, loss, costs, damage or expense, including attorney’s fee which may arise either directly from the sale and purchase of the vehicle including, but not limited to, any matters relating to odometer, mileage statement. By accepting Jonesboro Auto Auction LLC check or draft Seller agrees to be bound by the TERMS OF SALE and acknowledge responsibility for completion and execution of the required documents necessary to complete this transaction. If Jonesboro Auto Auction LLC is required to make a claim as a result of this transaction against either SELLER or PURCHASER or an agent or employee of SELLER or PURCHASER or any insurance carrier insuring or bonding SELLER or PURCHASER, then Jonesboro Auto Auction LLC shall recover, in addition to the amount of the claim and the cost incurred in the claim, a reasonable attorney’s fee in an amount not less than 25% of the amount of the claim, regardless of whether suit is filed, including applicable fees and costs interest shall accrue on the unpaid balance of any such claim at the rate of 1.5% per month. This vehicle is purchased for resale in the form of tangible personal property on the regular course of business and is the sort usually purchased by the buyer for resale. If property is used for any purpose other than for resale, buyer will pay directly to the proper taxing authorities such sale or use tax as may then be accrued and become payable. The buyer further certifies that he holds a retail sales tax registration certificate license or other permit, issued by the tax authority of this state and county. CAR MUST BE SETTLED FOR WITHIN ONE HOUR. AUCTION MANAGEMENT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO VOID A TRANSACTION. AFTER PAYMENT IS MADE ALL SALES ARE FINAL.